How To Get More Out of Your Facebook Page

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How To Get More Out of Your Facebook Page

Facebook has millions of users and most people are familiar with, if not using, this social media platform. Many businesses are actively setting up a business Facebook fan page as a way to engage consumers and build brand loyalty. Social networks are extremely powerful tools for connecting with consumers on a personal level. Rather than ads that are blasted out over the radio or print, Facebook advertising campaigns can be targeted to specific users based on what they like and what they do online. Facebook marketing is extremely targeted and therefor can generate higher ROI than other marketing and advertising options.

Many business owners want to use Facebook to generate ROI but simply do not know how. Use these tips to maximize your Facebook marketing campaign.

Reviews. According to Neilson 68% of consumers go to social networking sites to read online reviews. Ask your current customers to review your products after purchasing by offering an incentive or discount for doing so. Make sure to include a link to the review section on your Facebook page.

Facebook Ads. These targeted ads can drive people to a buy section on your Facebook page. A HubSpot report showed that consumers spent an average of $102.59 when buying an item through Facebook.

Special Offer Tab. You can create a tab on your Facebook page for a special offer. For example your Facebook fans could get 50% off, or let them demo a new product for the price of shipping. You can customize your offer based on current needs and run a new one every week. Track the purchases with a Facebook specific offer code so you can track the ROI. This is a fantastic way to track what type of offers prompt consumer action.

Follow Up. Make sure to engage your Facebook fans by following up with emails thanking them for their online review and/or purchase.

Social media is more than a place to chat with friends. Local SEO can help you grow your business through a comprehensive Facebook marketing campaign. With targeted Facebook Ads you can generate additional sales and follow up with requests to do an online review. As more Facebook users respond, their friends will see their activity and be drawn to your Facebook page as well. Social commerce is expected to be a 14 billion dollar industry by 2015. Don’t miss this opportunity to ride the wave and grow your business.